looks like i have very early beginning of a stress fracture in my shin, so I haven't run for a week. i think it's due to getting over-exuberant about new minimalist shoes and running 18 miles, 26 miles, and small runs in between. i think it's partially due to more heel-striking in the new shoes with less cushioning and also due to not landing as much on the outside of my feet.
even though i didn't follow my own advice of transitioning slowly (i kept running in them and it felt fine!), at least i caught it really early. it doesn't hurt, just feels mildly tender and discomfort, and has gotten a lot better in the last week, but hasn't gone away completely. so i'm taking calcium pills and taking it easy for at least another week. then will start working runs in slowly. i know i'm in shape to do the 38 mile run on April 30, so i will take the next 3 weeks to make sure it's healed. and will wear my old cushy asics. i'd love to transition out of them, but for now, i can run in them without hurting myself, and that's good enough for me.
and i'll probably wait till after the Wasatch to really work the minimalist shoes again. i love the traction and feeling the trail, but at this point there is no wiggle room for error.
one good thing about not running was a chance to support sarah on her 30 mile run this last Sunday. it was fun being her aid station. i think it will be fun supporting each other over, hopefully, many more ultras to come.
Noooo!!!! Take your time to recover, Dim! I hope you feel better soon. Arg, evil shoes. I shake my fist at them. Sending you giant hugs and Russian cheers!