did a 10K yesterday after not running for 4 days. i ran at marathon pace a bit under 8:30, which is pretty slow for a 10K and it didn't feel good. just felt slow, stiff, achy.
i haven't been running since saturday due to a weird bruise on my left foot. actually it feels like a very mild sprain of the "ring toe". i don't know how i got it, but i was feeling it during the 18 mi trail run on saturday. so i took 4 days off running, but i guess that wasn't enough as the 10K yesterday exacerbated it. it doesn't hurt too bad and it's not a muscle or joint, so i can still run on it, but it might get really irritating after 26 miles. it felt a lot better this morning, so hopefully staying off running today and tomorrow will fix it well enough for the race.
and then i woke up this morning feeling pretty shitty. just tired, and my stomach feeling funny. not hurting but not hungry, which is unusual. i had one night with 3-4 hours of sleep on tuesday as we were Billko-hunting, followed by 7+ and 7+, but i imagine i'm still not caught up.
i read somewhere on runner's world another person posting a similar thing where they had a shitty run the week of the race and someone responded that it's not uncommon and doesn't mean anything for race day, so i'm trying to take viewpoint and staying positive. just have faith that all my training combined with race adrenaline, a downhill course, and a couple of caffeinated gu's should do the trick.
i'm confident that i will finish, but i really want to meet my goal of 3:45. given some of my training runs, i thought this should be easy, but now i'm mentally preparing myself that it will be difficult, and i just need to push through. the worst thing one can do as a runner is have expectations that something will be easy when it's not, or so I read. so i'll mentally prepare for hard, and if it's easier.. .well, i can get a better time!
mission for tonight: in bed by 11.
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