did a little workout yesterday: mt. Wilson trail to first water and back. Power walk the uphills, run downhills and flats. 3 miles, 1000ft up and down, 13:50 pace
i wanted to do it twice, but had to get to my folks' house. it's the perfect wasatch training. even more hardcore as wasatch mountains are not quite this steep. but i guess this is lower elevation so perhaps that cancels out.
interestingly, my pace on the way up, 17 min miles (which included hiking uphills and running any downhills/flats) is exactly the same as the running speed when i ran up wilson a while ago. yet it's much easier than running the whole time, i never felt short of breath or energy. of course i'm in better shape now and when i tried running it last time back in October or so, i had to take many breaks.
i'll work up to maybe doing this 5 times in a row (or maybe go further up and come back a few times). and maybe change it up with doing the whole wilson and back.
got to try my new Sportiva mountain running shoes
and i just love being out in the mountains. it made me really happy to be on a trail
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